Towards Aberfeldy; camera worries and other thoughts

Camera status: I left the battery out all night, but still, some buttons don’t work. This raises more doubt. Did I actually bring my battery charger (it should be in the back of the car)?

Not a single European employee works in the service and kitchen on this boat. And we are all so against immigration. The ship employs almost only Asians, Thai, and Filipinos. White people are served by non-white people.

I shoot into review mode: I think 10 euros is a lot for 1 MB of data via satellite. The alternative is bad ferry wifi for 5 euros an hour. Is this 2024? Or am I really that spoiled?

We go along the coast towards Aberfeldy, up to Edinburgh. We pass Edinburgh along the highway and leave it behind. This time, the only significant city we’ll visit on the trip is Glasgow.

Idea: a week, month, year, total frugal life. Minimal food, no alcohol, greasiness, other blandness.
What will you miss?

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