RSS Reader adventure

I ran out of max feeds on Feedly. I like the tool, but since I do not want to any more subscription-based software, so I looked for an alternative RSS reader.

Newsblur came up as best

It is a service but based on open source.

Tried to install in on my laptop.

  • Install Docker Desktop
  • Clone Newsblur repo
  • Install cygwin – I am running on Windows here – need to make newsblur
  • make nb

Runs for a while, tries to run a sudo. That won’t work on Windows… 🙁

Immediately gave up. Considered for a minute running it on my Linux server, but I am actually looking for something simple.

Then tried RSS owl

Install, needs Java. Installed Java.

Needs Java 1.5. That is a very old version.

Gave up.

Tried QuiteRSS

QuiteRSS screenshot RSS reader

Installed like a charm.

Unfortunately no OPML import. So took some time to copy from the OMPL export from feedly into this tool.

Now trying this out.

Lovely old-style interface.

Reminds me of the old RSS reader I had years ago.

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