Good to Great – Jim Collins

I was astonished, reading Good To Great. It has so many findings about great companies, that are so massively ignored.

Many business leaders have referred to this book. While in their own organizations the findings they cast aside the findings in this book on a day by day basis.

I will go through a couple of them.

Ten of eleven good-to-great CEOs came from inside the company, whereas the comparison companies tried outside CEOs six times more often.

So no need to attract expensive business leaders from the outside. What we hear about their compensations schemes we sometimes find unethical and excessive.

We found no systematic pattern linking specific forms of executive compensation to the process of going from good to great.

Not only does the compensation not necessarily need to be very high. Moreover, the leaders of these companies stand out in humility. Leaders of great companies are to themselves, focused on the company, not themselves, have a big sense of humility and do not have big egos, are persistent calm and determined.

Self-effacing, quiet, reserved, even shy—these leaders are a paradoxical blend of personal humility and professional will.

As surprising, great companies are not great because they have such a fantastic strategy. Nor is it technology or acquisitions, a very promising industry or special program.

Greatness is not a function of circumstance. Greatness, it turns out, is largely a matter of conscious choice.
All companies have a culture, some companies have discipline, but few companies have a culture of discipline.

When you have disciplined people, you don’t need hierarchy. When you have disciplined thought, you don’t need bureaucracy. When you have disciplined action, you don’t need excessive controls. When you combine a culture of discipline with an ethic of entrepreneurship, you get the magical alchemy of great performance.

They never use technology as the primary means of igniting a transformation. Yet, paradoxically, they are pioneers in the application of carefully selected technologies.

Discipline and perseverance are the most important traits of great companies.

Every good-to-great company embraced what we came to call the Stockdale Paradox: You must maintain unwavering faith that you can and will prevail in the end, regardless of the difficulties, AND at the same time have the discipline to confront the most brutal facts of your current reality, whatever they might be.

In confronting the brutal facts, the good-to-great companies left themselves stronger and more resilient, not weaker and more dispirited. There is a sense of exhilaration that comes in facing head-on the hard truths and saying, “We will never give up. We will never capitulate. It might take a long time, but we will find a way to prevail…”

No, those who turn good into great are motivated by a deep creative urge and an inner compulsion for sheer unadulterated excellence for its own sake.

It is doing the work, a feel for business, perseverance, a lack of arrogance, not taking anything for granted, that distinguishes the great companies.

It is in such a sharp contrast with what you see in the large majority of the Fortune 500 companies, that I wonder how the leaders in these companies, and the big consulting companies advising these companies, and likely the investors in these companies can continue to ignore such fundamental findings.

When you put these two complementary forces together—a culture of discipline with an ethic of entrepreneurship—you get a magical alchemy of superior performance and sustained results.

And if you cannot be the best in the world at your core business, then your core business cannot form the basis of your Hedgehog Concept.

When used right, technology becomes an accelerator of momentum, not a creator of it. The good-to-great companies never began their transitions with pioneering technology, for the simple reason that you cannot make good use of technology until you know which technologies are relevant.


Mason Curry – Daily Rituals

Interesting book about artists’ routines in creating work.

Conclusion: discipline is everything. And dedication. And perseverance. See also Ryan Holiday’s The Obstacle is the Way.

Francis Bacon: chaos and total dedication.

Simone de Beauvoir: total asceticism.

Kierkegaard: coffee and sugar, walking, writing.

Benjamin Franklin: air bath (meditation?).

Anthony Trollope: writing 3 hours a day for work. Copied his mother here, who wrote for 4 hours before making breakfast.

Toulouse Lautrec: booze.

Thomas Mann: family man with a strict schedule for writing.

Mahler: schedule. Moody and lonely boy.

Matisse , Margaret Mead: always working.

Gertrude Stein: what a spoiled baby she is.

Ann Beatty: can only write if she’s really inspired.

Murakami: schedule, no social life.

William James: automate everything, leave yourself free for better activities.

James Joyce: estimates that it took him 20000 hours to write Ulysses.

Beckett made his depression work for him.

Sartre: regime and pills, cigarettes, alcohol.

Graham Greene: wrote 2 books at once. On pills.

Umberto Eco: can write anywhere, anytime.

David Lynch: sugar.

Paul Erdos: machine that turns coffee into scaffolding.

Abramovic: rigorous.

Twyla Tharpe: asocial = procreative.

Bernard Malamud: conclusion: in the end, everyone learns his or her own best way. The real mystery to crack is you.

Eerste bericht

De komende weken zullen we (waarschijnlijk) aandoen:

Chiang Mai
Koh Samet

Denis Johnson – Angels

Angels. Not really. The story of 2 alcoholic drifter, working their way through life. Making a habit of taking the wrong, or rather, no, decisions. Dark, like Jesus Son. Bukowski-esk, but I find this one darker, more pessimistic. People are put to the test, while in Bukowski they make their own choices. And there is a bit more humor, and still, relativering in Bukowski.

And people do not get raped in Bukowski like in here.

A Houston family. A low social standing. All 3 brothers from 2 fathers follow the wrong path. Sex, drugs, alcohol, violence, crime. And all incapable of finding a way out.

With a marvelous ending.


Ed van der Elsken, straatfotograaf

Ik heb de overzichtstentoonstelling van Ed van der Elsken in Stedelijk Museum bekeken. Van der Elsken is chaotisch en uitgesproken extravert. Een expressionist. Zijn films rommelig en experimenteel. De tentoonstelling is indrukwekkend, maar vooral: veel.


Ik kwam met een vol hoofd de trap af. Het boek De Verliefde Camera is de catalogus bij deze overzichtstentoonstelling. In het intro van de catalogus noemt Hripsimé Visser, de samensteller van de catalogus, het werk levendig en dynamisch genoemd. Dat lijkt me toch een understatement.   Het boek geeft een overzicht van het werk van Van der Elsken in chronologische stappen.  

Parijs. Straatfoto’s. Dan een serie die zich een liefdesgeschiedenis noemt te vormen: Love on the Left Bank. De foto’s in deze serie: grote vlakken zwart, weinig licht, grimmig. Meer lust dan liefde.  

Dan Afrika. Opnieuw nogal donkere foto’s. Waar het verhaal antropologisch is, was naar mijn idee Van der Elsken veel meer geïnteresseerd in de esthetiek van de zwarte mens. Close-ups van negers en negerinnen, en ik bedoel dat niet als scheldwoord, maar als een aanduiding voor de stijl van de foto’s. Foto’s die niet over het leven in Afrika als onderwerp hebben, maar veel meer de anatomie van de Afrikaanse mens.  

Sweet Life. Van der Elsken op zijn best: straatfoto’s van alles wat hem voor de camera komt en hij interessant vindt. hier meet Van der Elsken zich met William Klein en Robert Frank.  

Amsterdam. Straatfoto’s maar ook reportage-achtig en portretten. De individuele foto’s zijn het sterkst, opnieuw. De straatfoto’s van alledaagse zaken.  

Eye Love You. Voor het eerst kleur. Alledaagse scenes. Topper: een foto van oudere dames met zonnebrillen en in keurige jurken die twee negerkindertjes fotograferen alsof ze in de dierentuin zijn. Het plaatsvervangend schaamrood komt je op de kaken.  

Japan. Opnieuw de straatfoto’s van iemand die onbelemmerd foto’s van alledaagse onderwerpen maakt.  

Uiteindelijk was Ed van der Elsken vooral een hele goede straatfotograaf die rond probeerde te komen van zijn fotografie. Zijn straatfoto’s zijn wereldklasse.

Een Klein Leven, een dik boek, laat maar

Mishandelde jongen wordt als volwassene onverbeterlijke zelfmutilant die zijn hele leven anderen tot last is niets positiefs bijdraagt en na uitgesponnen verhaal uiteindelijke zelfmoord pleegt.

Blijft irritant.

Vreselijk overschat boek van Hanya Yanagihara. Een Klein Leven.

Niet lezen.

Vagabonding – een klassiek reisboek maar niet in het Nederlands?

Ik “las” Rolf Potts’ Vagabonding een tijdje Vagabondinggeleden in de audio versie. Dat was naar aanleiding van een opmerking in een Tim Ferriss’ podcast (weet niet meer welke).
Vagabondig gaat net zoveel over rezien als over filosofie, lifestyle, waarden in het leven, ethiek. Het is een wonderbaarlijk boek.
Ik begijp niet waarom er geen Nederlandse vertaling is.
Het book is volgepekt met interessante ideeen, gedachten, practische advieen en levenswijsheden, zonder te prediken of schoolmeesterachtig te worden.

Luister ook de Tim Ferriss met Potts kan ik aanraden. A blast, zoals Ferriss zelf zou zeggen.

Unshakeable – food for the mind, the wallet and the millions

He did it again.
I do not think there is much in this book that he had not discussed (extensively) in Money Master the Game.

But, as opposed to Money, this book is more concise (which is not much of an achievement; I wrote about this earlier here; Unshakeable is a revelation of briefness compared to Money).

The books is very clear on where not to lose money: taxes, fund fees, services that add no value.
It is also very clear on where to invest in: diversified portfolio of low cost index trackers, bonds, real estate.
Do not invest in gold or so.

And a very important learning: stay calm. Stock markets dive every so many years. When this happens, stay in your seat and do not move. Because as often as they fall they rise again.
Losses are made by people that get nervous.
These are the opportunities for the calm.

If there is one conclusion from this book in one sentence: get conscious about your investments, otherwise the financial institutions will get away with your savings.
That’s the conclusion, so if you want to read more, go ahead. The proceeds of the book go to the noble cause of feeding the world (Tony feeds millions/billions,when not on the phone with presidents and multibillionaires all the time), so if not good for your wallet, the investment in this is good for your mental well-being.
But expect lots of words for not so many ideas. Good ideas, but conciseness and humility are not Tony’s forte.

Hugh McLeod: Ignore Everybody

MacLeod describes how he built a creative business out of his scribbling on the back of business cards.

Separate topics on learnings from his creative experience. Very inspiring and practical.

Do it for yourself. Nobody cares.

If you have got the creative bug, deal with it. It is not going away.

Start blogging.

Great book. Great title. I wish I had thought of that.

The #1 little BIG thing (Tom Peters)

Rereading Tom Peters’ Little BIG Things.

GREAT how he has chosen the first little BIG thing to be The Loo!

A shiny toilet tells everything.

(Also notice the Discipline that these pages breathe.)

(And yeah, go fix your voicemail message (#2 little BIG Thing).)