Links of the past few days

Transcribe text safely with mygoodtape.

Read old books without having to own them on open library.

Substack CEO kills Substack. For me at least. All the things you fear when using someone else’s platform to create content become real. Read an perfect analysis of an interview with him
on techdirt here.

Run your own WordPress instead, or other web tool. When on your self-hosted WordPress (not, use their WordPress newsletter tool.

Paul Graham (from Y Combinator, not the photographer) on how to do great work.

In this issue from David Perell’s newletter I read

Many Silicon Valley investors say that fast response times for important messages correlate highly with a founder’s long-term success.

Gets me going, because such a sentence lacks reason and humility:

  • Who are the Sillicon Valley investors, and why are they attributed any general wisdom?
  • Who are these successful founders?
  • Correlation is something else then causation.
  • Fast response times for important messages likely also correlate to early death by stress.

Learned a new word for an interesting phenomenon, skeuomorphic, via The Wippet.

skeuomorphic wall
Nikko, Japan