5000 steps

Yesterday. In the morning, I walk the dog along the beach. The sky is reddish-purple from the light of the rising sun. A woman in a white bathrobe and sandals in her hands walks with me up the beach entrance. I turn left.

‘How beautiful, hey,’ she calls to me, pointing to the color spectacle on the horizon.
2500 steps and 2500 back is my goal for this morning’s walk. I walked the double yesterday, but now the 2500 steps are already weighing me down.

Installed myself behind a small table in the upstairs bedroom. Later, I switch the chair. The wooden case behind the desk is handy for hanging clothes over but not for sitting on.

Everyone seems to avoid doing as many things as possible.

At lunchtime, I cycle to the berry shed. We have agreed to eat lunch here in the form of a Cranberry pie. The cake is excellent. The building is almost empty. On the walls hang placards recounting the history of cranberry on Terschelling. Washed ashore, then cultivated, that’s the bottom line.

I wanted to stop work on time, but it turned out to be half past five.

After pumpkin soup with pumpkins from the picking garden, I went to the beach again with W. and the dog.

Life expectancy and mild alcohol consumption

I listen to Kevin Kelly on the Design Matters podcast from Debbie Millman.

Kelly tells about his rebirth, and how he finds out how many years he has left to live, according to actuarial measurements. I mimic his method and land on 28 years. I will be 82 and my death date is in July 2049.

According to an American life expectancy calculator that includes some more data, I will live to be 94. I notice that mild alcohol consumption increases life expectancy.

Rondje Terschelling

Aangekomen met simpele boottocht. Naar het huisje gereden onderaan paal 8. A. en W. komen met de fiets achter me aan. Het regent.

Ik loop even later door zonnig weer terug naar West om mijn fiets op te halen. Ik rij terug langs Het Groene stand. Ik fiets niet veel meer en het valt me niets mee. Gelukkig komt de wind uit het westen en heb ik het laatste stuk de wind in de rug.

De oven doet het niet en ik bel met verhuurder van het huisje en daarna met de eigenaar. De beheerder, de derde partij en degene die ervoor opgesteld staat om dit te weten, is niet te bereiken.

Uiteindelijk zet ik de groep van de oven in de meterkast uit zodat de oven wordt gereset en dan doet hij het weer.

We halen de rest van de boot. Het regent hard. Ik laad de bagage in de auto en zij rijden met de elektrische fiets achter me aan. Volledig doorweekt komen ze bij het huisje aan.

Katterig wakker geworden na al die wijn gisteravond. Slappe koffie omdat ik de schepjes voor het apparaat nog niet ken.

Via West langs de waddendijk naar Oosterend gefietst. Ik ben eigenwijs en heb geen elektrische fiets genomen. Ik hang hijgend achter mijn voorgangers. Dit keer geen huiler op de waddendijk. De wolkenlucht is weer eens adembenemend.

Bier en bitterballen bij Heartbreak Hotel.

Op de terugrit moet ik de geëlektrificeerden weer laten gaan.

‘s Avonds komt De Heksenketel eten brengen. De vrouw die achter het stuur vandaan komt ziet er moe uit. Personeelstekort zegt ze, onze huidige nationale ziekte.

Later die avond spelen we een gekmakend spel met onuitgepakte cadeautjes die onder regie van een dobbelsteen de tafel rondgaan. 

Links 14 September 2023

Reading comics digitally. On Windows I use SumatraPDF which is good in comic book reader formats. On my iPad I use Chunky. I use the excellent Calibre tool to manage my ebooks. It also has great tools to convert one ebook format to the other, transfer books to my ereader (currently an old Kindle Paperwhite 7th generation, I believe more than 5 years old. I like it despite its useless web browser).

Your environmental footprint

Test your environmental footprint and how to better the world.

Here is the Dutch version I took. My usage result was 2.6 earths, which I did not really understand as a measure. But it is too high, yet somewhat below the average person in NL. This is the UK version of the footprint calculator. This has different questions, are a different measure as outcome. Most interesting is, of course, the advice about what you can do to reduce your footprint.

Links 2 September 2023

Large organizations using open source AI should wonder what they are really adopting. I think large institutions like (benevolent) governments, banks, energy companies, banks, … – I probably mean those companies that have a lot of money and the capacity to change the system – should develop a more sophisticated and progressive open source agenda to create a human-oriented framework. Read Cory Doctorow’s Open AI isn’t.

This is so good: 100 things I know – Mari Andrew

Kevin Kelly: the best magazine articles ever

Into Linda Barry. Great video of her drawing workshop. I am reading What Is It.

Tried fixing the battery my iPhone 8 through iFixit. Broke a display cable doing that. My fault I did not read the instuction well enough. Great tools though. Fix everything.

Apple announced Apple self repair. Probably anticipating Right to Repair directions by the EU. I wonder why these kind of laws never comes from the US.

Days of rain, Japanese style

In Japan, we experienced days of rain. In the Netherlands, we can have similar experiences. Mostly accompanied by lots of wind. For me, it’s in the end the wind that gets on my nerves. The rain has a fresh touch, but the continuous noise of the storm is hard to bear.

Last week we had a couple of storm-free Japanese-type rainy days. Between showers, I managed to take a nice walk with the dog, an umbrella, and my camera.