Paul Theroux – Millroy the Magician

Why can’t I get through Millroy the Magician by Paul Theroux (while I love his travel books)? Is this novel representative of Theroux’s other novels?
I devour Theroux’s travel books: The Pillars of Hercules, The Tao of Travel, The Floating Kingdom, The Great Railway Bazaar, The Old Patagonian Express, and Riding the Iron Rooster. But this novel was impossible to get through, and I wondered why.
Still, I really tried, but it just didn’t work. Is it a boring book? Not even, I guess, but the story didn’t captivate me for a moment. Events follow one another at quite a pace. Sometimes, even with the absurdist, which I find so addictive in Murakami. But the story didn’t grab me; there’s no cliffhanger, it’s humor without pain, it doesn’t seem to be going anywhere (whereas in Murakami, I find that so appealing), the reading drags on, I look out the window, I want to finish what I’ve started but it’s resisting me.
I’ve given up. I’ll just regard it as a matter of taste.
Instead, read Haruki Murakami – Hear The Wind Sing. Or Theroux’s travel books.