De week van 5 december


Afgelopen zaterdag bezochten we de tentoonstelling The Roaring Twenties in museum Kranenburg in Bergen. Erg leuke tentoonstelling met mooi werk van Erik van Lieshout, Esiri Erheriene-Essi, Helen Verhoeven. Top voor zo’n relatief klein museum!


The Democratic Forest

William Eggleston – The Democratic Forest. Geweldig boek dat het democratisch fotograferen van Eggleston geweldig samenvat.


Anansi Boys van Neil Gaiman. Fantastisch verhaal over twee broer, zonen van een god die verstrikt raken tussen de wereld van mensen en goden.

Hans Aarsman – Vroomm! Vroomm!. Fotoboek van Hans Aarsman over auto’s met mooie persoonlijke verhalen van Hans Aarsman.


What Technology Wants van Kevin Kelly.

Hans van der Meer – Achterland. Al net zo’n Nederlands fotoboek als dat van Hans Aarsman.

Ancient and Modern – William Eggleston


A friend notified me of a reasonable offer of this book at De Slegte. Ancient and Modern is offers an overview of Eggleston’s work up to the late 1980s. The book was produced as part of a retrospective exhibition of Eggleston’s work at the Barbican Art Gallery in London. The book includes photographs from Eggleston’s travels in Kenya and South Africa/Transvaal that were completely unknown to me. I was also largely unfamiliar with Kiss Me Kracow’s work, made in Germany.

So a nice discovery. Good introductory text by Mark Holborn.

I Will Be Wolf – Bertien van Manen

I will be wolf - Bertien van Manen

I Will Be Wolf is the first book by Bertien van Manen. It is from 1975. The book exudes a wonderful freshness. Van Manen has seen Robert Frank, and I think also Eggleston. The images in I Will Be Wolf are a sort of European version of Frank’s The Americans. Less critical than The Americans, more friendly. Van Manen seems as shy as Eggleston. Photographs of people’s backs, often taken from a distance with views obstructed by poles and window columns. For me, it all works.

I will be wolf - Bertien van Manen