Will Robots Take your Job – and what about us?

I read: Nigel M. de S. Cameron‘s – Will Robots Take Your Job.
Beyond what the title might suggest, Cameron passionately argues that politicians are negligent in their blind spot for a looming technological tsunami. Imagine a world where entire industries crumble, where millions of workers wake up to find their careers erased by algorithms and machines. This isn’t science fiction—it’s a potential reality racing towards us at breakneck speed.
The political myopia is frustratingly familiar. Much like environmental concerns, short-sighted politicians push this existential threat aside in their microscopic four-year election cycles. They’re playing a dangerous game of technological roulette with people’s livelihoods.
The narrative glaringly lacks the most critical question: What will humans actually do if robots consume our jobs? How will we restructure society when traditional work becomes obsolete? The economic implications are staggering—we’re talking about a fundamental reimagining of income, purpose, and human value in an age of unprecedented automation.
This isn’t just about job loss. It’s about the complete reconstruction of how we define meaningful contribution, social worth, and personal identity in a world where human labor might become an antiquated concept.
The text demands we pay attention—not with fear but with strategic foresight. Our future depends on asking the right questions today.
Kinfolk – advice from Creative Entrepreneurs

I was gifted Entrepreneurs in creative jobs interviewed by a good friend. My notes from the not very concrete advice from the interviewees, but inspiring book and good images.
– Develop your own vision.
– Fresh ideas regularly.
– Be fearless.
– Adapt.
– Strive for authenticity.
– Focus on core values.
– Persistence.
– Don’t be lazy.
– Do not give up.
– Treat people well.
– Confront what you have to face.
– Visions inspire us but also limit us.
– Write a letter to your future self.
– Nothing happens unless you focus all your energy on it.
– Stay curious.
– Do not get comfortable.
– Stay slippery, or you stop learning and growing.
– Move on to something else.
– Be resilient
– Enjoy things as they come
– Stay flexible and open
– Do not hesitate to ask for help. Especially in times of need.
– As an entrepreneur, have a hobby that makes you stop.