
Unexpected crossing in the fields around Krommenie.

Otoboke Beaver in Paradiso

I saw Otoboke Beaver in Paradiso last Thursday, July 4th. Arguably the most innovative band in the world.

Otoboke Beaver

The sleeper

A fat man in a light blue coat zipped up to the top, arms crossed on his stomach, lies snoring.
His glasses slant. He smacks in his sleep.

Amazing how he always wakes up in time for his destination.

The engineers

They stand talking to each other on the platform. Both: short-cropped, brittle hair, winter coat on over the suit, the jacket, longer, sticks out from under the coat, a large packed backpack on their backs.

The architect

I get off the train and walk to the steps. In front of me walks a man with silver-gray hair. He is wearing a black nylon jacket, black pants with a crease, black cotton sports socks, and those solid Ecco shoes.
He confidently holds his thick computer bag in his hand. He must have brought home a lot of papers.
He reminds me of someone. Taut. Inflexible. Straightforward. An architect.

The next day, he walks past me again. Usually, he is all in black, as I just described, but this time, he is wearing a deep, dark brown suit.

Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver; of willpower and friends

Demon Copperhead

I finished Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver. A very good book that reminds me of multiple books for multiple reasons: Nick Cave’s The Ass Saw the Angel (alcoholic boy and the atmosphere) and Salingers Catcher in the Rye (a dive into the adolescent mind), for example.

Demon is the son of a junky mother and a father that died when Demon was still young.

The boy ends up in child care and lives with foster parents who are only interested in the allowance that comes with the care. He finds his loving grandmother, who finds a better home for him. The boy is talented in sports and drawing. He has some luck but makes the wrong decisions and ends up addicted to pills himself and with a girlfriend who is addicted to any substance, including heroin.

Will-power and friends try to drag him out of a downward spiral.

My, what a read!

Candy Crush lady

The lady is always already on the train when I board. She has an iPad on her lap. Earbuds in her ears. She plays Candy Crush. Always. The full hour the trip takes.

Why Cats like boxes

cat in box
Our cat Stanley in a box

I caught our cat jumping in one of the boxes under my desk. Why do cats do this?

One theory is that they feel safe in a box. But just the image of a square on the ground seems to also attract them.

All recent articles on the topic seem to refer to the same study.

More research is required.

Oh, they jump in other boxes and crates, too.

cat in crate
cat in crate