St Helier – disgusted by fish in brown sauce

Fish meal with brown sauce

Jersey – a day ending with a disgusting fish meal with brown sauce – or something awkward like that. We were really tired and just wanted to have a meal and get to sleep. Pretty sure we would have walked out otherwise.

The waiter was rude too.

on the ferry to Jersey
flower in asphalt
feet resting
young men standing in sea
plant in wall

Haruki Murakami – Abandoning a Cat

Een kat achterlaten

Abandoning a Cat / Een kat achterlaten is a beautiful book in which Murakami writes about his father. Now and then you can see typical Murakami themes peek through the memories he recounts. The somewhat lost men, a confusing war in the far away and way too large China, socially awkward persons, … much food for the close Murakami reader. Very well-designed Dutch edition, bound in Japanese manner, magnificently illustrated by Marion Vrijburg.

24 april rondje Zwanenburg

Vandaag deed ik mijn tweede rondje door Zwanenburg. Vanuit het nieuwe winkelcentrum bij de voormalige suikerfabriek liep ik aan de westkant langs het dorp. Het grootste deel van de wandeling liep door een vrij oninspirerende woonwijk. De hele wijk leek drooggelegd voor de werkzaamheden aan het riool. Een ander deel is een enorme bouwput op de plaats waar een industrieel complex moet hebben gestaan.

Zwanenburg, april 2021
Zwanenburg, april 2021

Craig Mod’s blog and newsletters

Craig Mod has a beautiful blog at Craig is what I would call a generally very interesting person. He writes about his travels – he walks a lot, about photography. His blog inspired me to start writing longer form blog posts again.

Craig manages a few very interesting newsletters. I can recommend all three.