Rereading, and Derek Sivers’ Hell Yeah or No
Halfway through December, I received my signed copy of Hell Yeah Or No. A good motive to re-read the book.
I had already read the ebook. I purchased in one same offer – ebook and signed paper copy. Given the work Derek has put into producing and distributed the signedhard-cover version, I can not imagine he made much money on it.
I seldomly re-read books. But this one is definitely in the re-reading category. As a sidenote, my re-reading category includes: Gerrit Krol (Dutch writer (probably one of the first people writing on Artificial Intelligence in De Man Achter Het Raam (1982!), definitely in the Netherlands, but probably also internationally), Douglas Coupland, Haruki Murakami, Tom Peters (not everything, but definitely The Little Big Things).