De ideale wereld van een gecureerd Internet
To me, the Internet’s future is dominated not by Internet giants but by niche sites, niche tools, and niche apps. All Internet applications focus on a specific area and specialize in it. These tools are based on technologies that are not tied to a proprietary platform but are open and non-proprietary technologies.
We leave behind the violence of the roar of Google, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Optionally, we use dedicated tools like Medium or Substack to produce and distribute our content, but we pay for that with a subscription, not with our time and attention.
To make our content available without the intervention of technology platforms, we use tools like WordPress for our websites, Vimeo for video, Mailchimp for newsletters, and Overcast for our podcasts.
We solve the finding problem that Google has now solved for us. Probably, a distributed solution is best. A solution by which we map the Internet in pieces. Everyone cures their own piece of the Internet and shares the links to the interesting parts. A distributed tool similar to a torrent network provides reliable indexing and searchability. A distributed tool is inherently stable and impervious to centralizers and monopolists.
Hierbij alvast een aantal van mijn Internet favorieten die zeker een plaats in de index waard zijn.
Austin Kleon – writer and artist.
Open topo – open topgraphical maps of the Netherlands.
Open Culture – free cultural and educational media.
Brain Pickings – Maria Popova’s great site.
Mr Motley – art, nice site.
Beeple-crap – artist famous from NFT’s.
Boing Boing – The Internet according to a.o. Mark Frauenfelder (pity about the indigestible amount of ads).
booooooom – art.
Swissmiss – design blog by Tina Roth Eisenberg. – the most interesting photographer in the world.
Seth Godin – Seth Godin.
De Correspondent – best newspaper in the Netherlands.
Derek Sivers– Slow thinker. – Kevin Kelly’s site(s). – Cool Tools. – Else Dorfman’s site. Love it.
B– Blake Andrews.