Kinfolk Entrepreneurs

Notes from the not very concrete advice form the interviewees, but inspiring book and good images.
– Develop your own vision.
– Fresh ideas regularly.
– Be fearless.
– Adapt.
– Strive for authenticity.
– Facos on core values.
– Persistence.
– Don’t be lazy.
– Do not give up.
– Tret people well.
– Confront what you have to face.
– Visions inspire us, but also limit us.
– Write letter to future self.
– Nothing happens unless you focus all your energy on it.
– Stay curious.
– Do not get comfortable.
– Stay slippery or you stop learning and growing.
– Move on to something else.
– Be resilient
– Enjoy things as they come
– Stay flexible and open
– Do not hesitate to ask for help. Esp in times of need.
– As an entrepreneur have a hobby that makes you stop.


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