Punked!: Whatcha Mean What’s A Zine?

I am very much into Austin Kleon at the moment. Earlier this week I shared a link to his 100-Things post. Following the 100 Things post’s links, I found this book abouit zine-making: Watcha Mean What’s a Zine? The punky inspiration was so appealing to me that I bought it immediately. Unfortunately, the only place I could find it with affordable shipping to the Netherlands was Amazon. Unfortunately, because I try to buy more and more from local stores and websites, doing my part to support small niche businesses.


The book introduces you to the punky indy world of zines and zine-making. Very inspiring. Makes you want to start making zines right away. And participate in this worldwide community around zine-making.

It’s covered: every aspect of zine-making, from getting ideas, writing the content, creating a zine to selling and distributing it. Tools, techniques, best practices, all are covered. An extensive list of references on various related topics. Beautifully designed.

No more excuses not to go make a zine. Or make something else creative.

7 stars out of 5!

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