Everlong at breakfast and a trip to Loch Tay and Aberfeldy


8 hours awake. Tired or normal rhythm?

Everlong in lounge version at breakfast. Tomorrow Descendents’ Coffee Mug?
Review note: full English with sausage, egg, tomato, and mushroom; skipped the white beans.

We drive to Kenmore on Loch Tay. We look for the footpath, find it, lose it again, and find it again. Rest briefly at a lakeside beach, then return along the top. No shortage of wild hyacinths. Cappuccino in Kenmore.

Bve back to Aberfeldy via Castle Menzies (rebuilt castle, only viewed from the outside).
Into the village. Via Birks of Aberfeldy along the river (Scotland’s most famous poet Robert Burns wandered here) through the village and the imposing Wade’s Bridge, where on a huge rock stands the Black Watch memorial (soldiers wrongly accused of desertion were executed in 1743). In the grass, people lie stretched out in the sun. It is 22 degrees, which is bloody hot here.

Sheep dog

Lunch at the Aberfeldy Watermill (review note: fine lunch), next to the best bookshop from around (says more about the perimeter than ábout the bookshop). A man parks his quad in the same alley where I am waiting. He proudly explains that his dog is a sheepdog. But we have one of those at home. The dog patiently sits on the back of the quad as the man goes shopping.

We stroll through the village awhile, but then it’s enough.

Bird, Kenmore
Kerk, Aberfeldy
Kerk, Aberfeldy