Turtles All The Way Down – John Green

Turtles All The Way Down - John Green

On the plane from Miami to home, I watched the movie adaptation of this book. I probably watched half of it because of the self-prescribed high-melatonin-dose-induced half-sleep.
Regardless, I dare safely state that the book is much more enjoyable.

Aza, a girl with an obsessive awareness and fear of bacteria in her body, goes through her teen life.
She falls in love with an old friend she was friends with in her early youth. His father is now a billionaire. He goes missing.
Daisy is her best friend. Aza and Daisy search for the father, and in the end, they find him, dead.

John Green is a writer who can create moving stories without falling into traps of cliches or annoying theatrical emotions.

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