Van Dijck in the Prado, a short note on blood, Habsburg jaws and ruthlessness

Some time ago now, I visited the Prado in Madrid.The young Van Dijck
There was a special exhibition on Van Dijck, called El Joven Van Dijck  – The Young Van Dijck.

An incredible assembly of masterpieces. The 2 hours I had in between other activities was massively insufficient.

My winner is The Lamentation over the Dead Christ is my winner. Blood drips from the canvas. The reflection of the light on the skin.  Lamentation Van Dijcke

It is full of Habsburg Jaws. In the paintings, in the sculptures. After a while this becomes corny and funny. All of these great emporers with theseThe Habsburg Jaw massive chins express an sickly absence of joy and compassion. If there is an emotion they express, it is one of detachment and ruthlessness.

El Greco shows he is an expressionist avant la lettre.

Velazquez is also greatly present. His monstrously large horses and people with far too small heads seems to be taken from the perspective of a child or a dwarf.diego-velazquez-horse

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